Reviews Guidelines

Guidelines for Reviews

The following policies apply to our reviews guidelines. Please follow these guidelines to help us keep a collaborative and trustworthy place for everyone to enjoy.
Validated account
User must have a validated account in our platform that is linked to an email address and telephone number
Who can write a review
The customer must have placed an order at this restaurant in the last 25 days.
To access the ratings and reviews survey, the customer must tap on our specific push notification.
Only one rating and review can be given per order (each review is linked to an order ID).
The order from this customer must have been delivered.
Reviews moderation process
All reviews go through automated and manual moderation that can take more than 30 days to be approved.
Duration of reviews on the platform
The review will be active indefinitely in our platform.
What reviews get published
Positive or negative reviews that follow our policy will be published.
Reviews that don’t follow our policy will not be displayed or shared with the restaurant.
Rejected reviews
Our policy states that reviews containing the following will not be approved:
  • Offensive language
  • Juristical risky (questionable) expression of the customer
  • Religious or political content
  • Suspected fraud from restaurant or customer
  • Violating our Terms & Conditions
  • Fake or canceled order
  • Advertisement, mentioning competitors or other brands
  • Customer request to delete review