
To see country of origin for meat, please check restaurant’s information page. If you want to know more about allergens, you can contact our customer service or

Nuijamiestentie 5Country of origin of meat - Cattle: Finland
Leevi12/10/2024ei ollut kastiketta
Toni24/06/2024maaku hyvä annos vähän pieni
Vili15/06/2024Kebab ranskalaisilla oli hyvä, sopivasti maisteita ja rapeat ranskaliset. Liha oli myös maukasta, kastikkeet kans!
Enea30/05/2024The place is okay. Not fancy a normal fast food. But the food I loved it. We usually visit with my wife every week or every second week. Is always my first choice when I want to eat kebab.
Laura02/05/2024Todella maukkaat siivet ja ranskalaiset! Valkosipulidippi on herkullista!

Restaurant information

Country of origin of meat - Cattle: Finland

Legal Name: Asil Oy

Company Number: 3426991-3

Address: Nuijamiestentie 5

Telephone Number: +358405374118|If you have questions or comments about delivery, please contact foodora directly.

Email: [email protected]

Delivery service provider

foodora rider partner

Food service provider
